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 with Natalia Kyui, Journal of Comparative Economics, forthcoming

with Pierre-André Chiappori and Bernard Salanié, Review of Economics of the Household, 2018, 16(3), 833-858

with Paul Corral, Journal of Development Studies, 2018, 54(2), 256-270

with Paul Corral and Paul Winters, Agricultural Economics, 2018, 49(1), 131-143

Journal of Development Studies, 2017, 53(4), 495-513

with Paul Corral, World Development, 2017, 95, 231–253

with Leanne Roncolato, International Journal of Time Use Research, 2016, 13 (1), 58-89

with Guy Lacroix, Journal of Population Economics, 2011, 24(1), 85-106

with Ekaterina Kalugina and Catherine Sofer, Review of Income and Wealth, 2009, 55(2), 360-391

with Ekaterina Kalugina and Catherine Sofer, Review of Economics of the Household, 2009, 7 (4), 447–471

with Ekaterina Kalugina and Catherine Sofer, Economie et Prévision, 2008, 186, 101-106

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Interaction of the Solitary Wave with an Island

Jeu des Perles de Verre de Iannis Xenakis

Offre de travail individuelle et  "collective": Applications empiriques

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